Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tutorial 1st March

Today we discussed how the project could be structured/approached, it was decided that this could happen in three phases:

Phase 1:
This is the pre-visit stage, consisting of researching and gaining knowledge about traditional techniques to be explored. Planning the visit i.e schedule in terms of which places need to be visited and how I will go about the trip and exploration. I will also conduct a series of “tests” (experiments) with what I have learnt thus far, in a foreign context.

Phase 2:
This is the visit stage, where I will be learning these techniques from local artists and artisans, creating a body of work in an authentic context, documenting the experience through photography, artworks, illustrations, sketches, experiments and a journal.

Phase 3:
This phase is in the final semester of my MA. Upon my return, the nature of work produced will be a “fusion” of old and new, the experiences and techniques learnt will influence a new approach to using traditional techniques in a modern context.

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